Sunday, September 25, 2005


hey all,

i'd just like to thank everyone for a great bbq meeting this afternoon. we actually had a pretty relaxed time and still got down to business. thanks omer for having us over, and thanks in advance for the subsequent cleaning up you'll be doin ;).

we covered a lot of ground and seeing as next week will be our last scheduled meeting for a while, this is a very good thing.

stuff we discussed included:

key dates
script edit
product launch
scoodie (keep it on, guys)

i'll be sending out e-mails shortly but i encourage you gusy to use the blog as viable means of communication. the next meeting is scheduled for OCTOBER 2ND @ 1pm at COOKIE. it's been a while since we've been there so it'll be cool.

until then guys,



At 4:12 AM, Blogger ToFu said...

Cookie bar. Ah memories.

I've reviewed the script there ARE indeed areas i would like to ADD but i will look into it after it gets read by our faithful ebta readers.

I just wanna be clear on whether they understand if the kids are even on juvenile camp.

At 10:40 AM, Blogger LOki said...

i thought you made it clear in the ray/di scene, where she's talking about these programs being a waste of money?


At 6:40 AM, Blogger ToFu said...

Yeah i thought of that scene specifically, and maybe in the whole "normal" conversation it might not be apparent?

I might re-write that scene, well it's on my 'to fix' list.


At 6:54 PM, Blogger LOki said...

it was an automatically generated spam message, it's been going around for a while.

they are the only messages that i delete.



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