Meeting 14
As you all know, the hosting and domain is effectively up and running.I'd like to announce official we've selected our website developer and administrator, Lester!
Lester's been an old high school friend to most of the crew here at chalkboard but those who are not familiar with Lester, he is a talented and creative little bugger and is close to completing his multimedia course. I have no doubts the success of the website will depend on us working very closely with Lester.
Any queries in regards to the email hostings please contact Omer on:
And he will gladly help you out.
I understand Uni is beginning to put that stress again at this time of year and any problems you face please present it either myself or one of the partners.
I'm still working to find ways of building this team to be a very strong, tight knitted group and i will be following up on some of the ideas what we covered at meeting 12.
Another announcement is, the meeting now will only consist of production crews, having said that, the partners are free at their disposal to attend.
Meetings in regards to the operations of the firm itself will be posted at a set date and i will be following up on on of the things we discussed at the last meeting.
Ok, all that behind we are indeed on good track. Again, any questions please don't hesitate to ask me.
-Jay, Director.
at the next production meeting, i will be devising timetables/schedules for those involved to adhere to. i'll talk about it more when the time comes, but for now i think it's imperitive that we start putting in deadlines.
i calculated that from next week onwards, we have 17 weeks to get this done if we want to be on time. but we'll see what happens at the meeting.
until then,
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