based on what i'm reading off the whiteboard, these are the following things we're gonna be talking about:website
as far as i know, lester will be coming to this meeting and showing us what he's got. those of you who haven't seen what he came up with a while ago will see it at the meeting.
last week jase leaded a brain-storm re: what kind of merchandise we could have relating to the pilot comic. at the moment, they're jsut ideas and our primary objetive now is still to get the artwork and printing done, though a chalkboard mug would be nice.
there will be some very minor changes to the script to which jase and i have already discussed. these changes were made to accomodate a more realistic mode of storytelling, rather than a "happy family" thing.
more thumbnails
vito and jase have been working on the thumbnails as well as finals the past couple of weeks, so hopefully they'll have something to show us at the meeting. i understand that we've all got other stuff going on and that it is hard to set aside time for, what is essentially a second priority at the moment. we'll see how far we've gotten.
mini semininar
mark will be hosting a mini seminar - i don't know what he intends to do but i'm sure it'll be big.
also, i think we're doing some kind of activity after the meeting but i'll let jase elaborate on that if it's still happening.
business stuff will also be talked about, so let us know what you want to cover re: marketing, whatever... and allocate an amount of time you want to spend on it.
i anyone wants to talk about anything else, put in the the COMMENTS section (or the chatterbox) with the required time you need and i'll put an agenda together before the next meeting (sunday).
at this stage, it's gonna be at 3pm at vito's place. the activity (if it's on) will happen after all the things on the agenda have been adressed and discussed.
see you all tomorrow,
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