we just got back home a couple of hours ago, and it feels like the weekend didn't happen, that it was almost a dream.and in some ways, it kind of was. as mentioned earlier, the members of chalkboard studios (and good friend pete mcmahon) went to do some field work and research at the buchan caves, about 350kms out of melbourne.
the main reason for traveling so far was to get references for the artists, as well give the writers inspiration and first-hand experience in a cave setting. and i can confidently say that we all gained a tremendous amount of information and appreciation for caves and their formations. this in turn, i believe, will allow us to create a comic/graphic novel that really stands out.
while we were there we did a whole heap of things, but i think for the blog, the most important thing is that we will definitely be going through the script again and re-write some parts to accommodate our newly acquired information about caves, how they're formed, and the just general terrain encased in them.
i would like to thank all members of chalkboard studios that attended this weekend. not only we were able to get a lot of stuff for the comic, we also had heaps of fun - and for that, i am ever so thankful. our firm's cohesion is on built on not only professionalism and respect, but friendship and trust. everyone's input over the weekend has been invaluable.
also, i'd like to thank pete mcmahon for coming along for the ride. even though you're not part of the firm, you're always welcome. seriously, even though he wasn't there for the 'business' side of things, he paid attention and contributed at all times. it was great having you along dude!
and finally, thanks to the guys who ran the buchan caves and tours. carol at the front office, and good ol' keith grennwood, out bloody legend of a tour guide.
that's it from me for now, again - thanks guys for all your work. but rest up - production is soon to begin!
-LOki, writer, project manager
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