COOKIE || you sneaky monkey
as planned, we got the group down to Cookie to check the place out and have a few drinks (NON-alcoholic, thank you very much!). there we had a impromptu meeting and discussed the following things:(a) timeline of events
(b) who was working on what
(c) plans for intermission
(d) script
i think i've sent out the timeline to everyone; it's very basic and things can be added and subtracted if, as a group, we think it detracts from the story, is too long-winded or just doesn't make sense. furthermore, we assigned which scenes each head writer would be working on. as it stands now, jase and myself will be writing a very raw script, then handing it over to mark and brendan to read through, add or amend, and make notes as to what can be improved etc.
at the meeting, i told the guys that after today (friday) we should stop thinking about the comic and get our heads into our uni stuff. of course, everyone (myself included) is free to work on the comic but it was made clear that any work on the comic during the intermission period was definitely not to be made top priority. for those of us who don't have exams, or finish exams early - of course it wouldn't hurt to pick up those pens (or pencils) and get the ideas flowing ;).
the script, as i mentioned above, is mainly jase's and my job. it's coming along alright so far, with abotu 10% of it done. needless to say, they still need a lot of work and plenty of objective and constructive feedback from our other writers mark and brendan. only then will be do a trial 'scene' which will hopefully be fully drawn with dialogue and captions filled in too.
apart from that, i'd just like to thank everyone for putting in the effort to come to the city today and check out cookie (and the number one contender place for our launch). thanks also for putting in time out of meetings and your busy lives to get as far as we have. we've exceeded our six-month plan goals and are actually ahead in our pre-production, so excellent work guys.
just so i know when we can schedule the next meeting, can you guys let me know when your last exam is on? we'll have a couple of days after the last one of us has our exam, then reconvene meetings so we can get back on track.
enjoy your break guys, and good luck with exams!
-LOki, writer, project manager.
I definately don't regret appointing u as project manager i'll tell you that. Our hard work and efforts have put us in a really positive intermission. I urge everyone to take a break because of that.
I finish on June 9th.
I will start gathering market data and conduct a few surveys when i finish. Hopefully, we'll have a list of potential names for our firm and comic (Monin and i have already got somei deas) and it would be awesome if anything springs into mind u can lay it on the table for the next meeting.
Ok all, study hard and i'll see u all soon.
Jay, writer, director.
annoying way of talking, you have. hehe
you might regret it a little later..
i went through my diary and wrote down key things we had to do in order to have a proper launch around mid decemeber. and i tell you what, there's plenty of biro in my notebook!
but not to worry, we'll take care of all of this after exams. that'll give ya's time to overthrow me and dump my ass as project leader :P
so uh... ill distract him, and u guys take him out from behin and OMG HE'S COMING!!! ACT NORMAL ACT NORMAAAAAAL!!!
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