Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Buchan piece of CORN!

Just when you thought it doesn't get any better...

Our firm and guest Pete McMahon just returned from our research trip in Buchan Caves, around 350 kms from Melbourne. Located near the small town of Bruthen the scenery was just exactly what everyone needed. Freedom, Fresh air and Caves.

I would also like to note this was the first time all members of Chalkboard Studios was present!

After months of initial planning we got there restless and exhausted but it didn't stop the guys from running amuck and letting the town know we have arrived.

We got settled and went for midnight walkabouts to explore our settlement for the next two days. Lightsabers and torches were our only light source and the entire encampment was foggy, cold and majestic. The state of mind in the group was relaxed until we realised how small our cabins were.

Claustrophobic would be the best word to describe it.

We rested up and we went to see what we've been planning for this entire time and that is the infamous Caves. We got exactly what we needed from the caves, how they were formed, to the temperatures at night and to top it off about 1 gig worth of images taken generously by Mark, Omer and Monin. Video was done by Vito and I had a chance to burrow Mark's camera for a few shots I thought would be useful to production.

We ended up touring an extra cave which was not on the agenda but this decision proved extremely useful because it had extra formations that wasn't apparent in the first one.

Beside the fact that this was meant to just be a research trip, Brendan found this to be an eye opener and I agree with him. The time we spent there was nothing but bliss beside the fact that we survived off canned soup and bread for the next couple of days and a BBQ which was yummy we also didn't have any cooking oil or butter! Danger! but thanks to the charm of our very own Mark Hollingsworth, this proved to not be a problem.

I got up to my usual antics and Omer and I filmed a "barf" scene with canned soup that looked like barf. Combine this with a camera and we have a movie! We had to take 2 takes luckily we had more crap soup to waste and it turned out exactly to what we wanted; gross, graphic and funny. No special effects was needed except "L337" acting skills.

I had a blast and on the ride home we stopped at Lakes Entrance which did not live to our expectations and Monin and Omer decided to make the best of it with their mock-up Lakes "McPuddle" entrance.

We arrived home safe and sound and I would like to forward my deepest thanks to everyone who came out and just had a good time, it was a blast and I can presume many more "research trips" will be planned for future projects, given that everyone doesn't get sick. Omer was already sick and so was Vito. Mark wore his red flash gordon jump suit and went for a run in the morning and caught a cold. This'll teach ya to be healthy!!!

10 Most memorable moments (In chronological order):

-Pete's 10 minutes piss outside Bruthen (We can still see the steam)
-Acrobatics of Pete and Brendan climbing Mt. Buchanhell. (While holding a beer and a smoke!)
-The Adventures of Flash Gordon and the flu. (He's still sick)
-Everyone walking on Kangaroo shit. (We can still smell it.)
-Mark loves corn scene. (Filmed)
-Jell-O Campbells "Chunky" Soup (Photographed)
-Puke scene. (Filmed, twice!)
-Jumping for joy at the gates of Buchan Caves (Photographed)
-Monin and Omer's puddle of joy. (Photographed)
-Jay and Brendan's play (recorded)

Special thanks to Carole, the park manager and Keith the tour guide for giving us a warm and welcome reception.

Now since we're back to reality unfortunately guys it's BACK TO WORK YA BLUDGERS!!!

Hehe. Just Kidding... about the reality part ;)

-Jay, Director


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