ACTIVITYA recap from this afternoons meeting it seems that the present activity vote count would be a toss on indoor sports and life drawing.
Date set for this is currently: Sept. 11
WEBSITEThe website i will be completing a mock up sometime this week hopefully before sunday however time and resource can only permit so much. I will also release the official roles so long as people will email me what they're comfortable with and we'll go from there.
Unfortunately, Lester was not present this meeting but i have notified him and he will definately be attending next week.
MERCHANDISINGI've narrowed it down for mechandise for ourselves for now.
-Resin busts and marquettes.
PERSONAL DEVELOPMENTAn excellent seminar by Mark. We've got our own goals and Mark has said it's up to us to act on it and our own responsibility to not have it be "cliche".
Here were some items we spoke of:Drawing tables, production merchandise -> Omer
Mark -> Short break/holiday
Monin -> Camera and lighting (for 2 day production day)
Jason -> roles, website, thumbnails, bring in folder
Vito -> continuation of production.
Next week:-Script recap.
-Roles and responsibilities
-Albert Park run
-More thumbnails (hopefully)
I should take about an hour max for these topics.
If there's anything anyone would like to add. Please come see me. Until then i'll see you next week.
-Jay, Director.
based on what i'm reading off the whiteboard, these are the following things we're gonna be talking about:
websiteas far as i know, lester will be coming to this meeting and showing us what he's got. those of you who haven't seen what he came up with a while ago will see it at the meeting.
merchandisinglast week jase leaded a brain-storm re: what kind of merchandise we could have relating to the pilot comic. at the moment, they're jsut ideas and our primary objetive now is still to get the artwork and printing done, though a chalkboard mug would be nice.
scriptthere will be some very minor changes to the script to which jase and i have already discussed. these changes were made to accomodate a more realistic mode of storytelling, rather than a "happy family" thing.
more thumbnailsvito and jase have been working on the thumbnails as well as finals the past couple of weeks, so hopefully they'll have something to show us at the meeting. i understand that we've all got other stuff going on and that it is hard to set aside time for, what is essentially a second priority at the moment. we'll see how far we've gotten.
mini semininarmark will be hosting a mini seminar - i don't know what he intends to do but i'm sure it'll be big.
also, i think we're doing some kind of activity after the meeting but i'll let jase elaborate on that if it's still happening.
business stuff will also be talked about, so let us know what you want to cover re: marketing, whatever... and allocate an amount of time you want to spend on it.
i anyone wants to talk about anything else, put in the the COMMENTS section (or the chatterbox) with the required time you need and i'll put an agenda together before the next meeting (sunday).
at this stage, it's gonna be at 3pm at vito's place. the activity (if it's on) will happen after all the things on the agenda have been adressed and discussed.
see you all tomorrow,
Meeting 14
As you all know, the hosting and domain is effectively up and running.
I'd like to announce official we've selected our website developer and administrator, Lester!
Lester's been an old high school friend to most of the crew here at chalkboard but those who are not familiar with Lester, he is a talented and creative little bugger and is close to completing his multimedia course. I have no doubts the success of the website will depend on us working very closely with Lester.
Any queries in regards to the email hostings please contact Omer on:
And he will gladly help you out.
I understand Uni is beginning to put that stress again at this time of year and any problems you face please present it either myself or one of the partners.
I'm still working to find ways of building this team to be a very strong, tight knitted group and i will be following up on some of the ideas what we covered at meeting 12.
Another announcement is, the meeting now will only consist of production crews, having said that, the partners are free at their disposal to attend.
Meetings in regards to the operations of the firm itself will be posted at a set date and i will be following up on on of the things we discussed at the last meeting.
Ok, all that behind we are indeed on good track. Again, any questions please don't hesitate to ask me.
-Jay, Director.
it's been a while since we've blogged about the progress of meeting, but to sum things up (wihtout revealing too much), here goes:
as jase has mentioned, PRODUCTION has started. this means that the script, whiles till undergoing some editing, is complete enough for vito and jase to get drawing. by M13, jase will have translated 20 pages of script into roughs - the entire first issue.
our WEBSITE will be up soon, so keep checking back and we'll let you know as soon as we can when it's online.
...come to think of it, that's basically all that's happened so far. well, as much as i can say on a public forum. but what i can say is that we're soildering on and getting there, albeit with a few obstacles.
the next meeting is SUNDAY, AUGUST 14 @ vito's place. we're aiming for the 2-3 hour mark, but we'll see what happens.
as always, i'm free basically all day so what ever time suits the majority of us will be it, subject to vito's availability also.
i hope you guys received my e-mail re: meetings; please get back to me asap about that and we'll go from there,
-LOki, writer.
Meeting 13.
10 pages of script translates to 30 pages of comic.
Not good.
The second meeting will be held again at Vito's.
Probably same time as last week.
Here's a few issues that i've summed up:
Proportion / Sizing issues. We definately need to decide on the final size by this week i think.
Number of pages. Issue 1 is looking to be about 60 pages of pure comic (no adverts)
Thomas' project.
Non-comic related activities
-Jay, Director
Meeting 12
Date: 7th August, 2005
Time: 4pm
Venue: Vito's Place.
Any problems?
Lemme know. I know u won't be free until 4pm Mark.
Omer, i will assume u will be free today like u have said. If anything pops up, just call.
Production meeting 1
Hi gang,
Pleased to report that production has started.
On sunday Vito, Monin and i held the first production meeting.
Thomas Bonin made a quick appearance but for all those who didn't attend i'll try to fill in the gaps.
We went through a small document i wrote in respects to the steps involved with getting the words from the script into living, breathing panels of a comic book.
Then we went through archieved photos from the camping trip and selected the best photos we could use as a reference. A good amount was selected which makes the trip a success.
From now on i will be turning 10 pages of script into thumbnails whereas Vito will be busy finalising character designs and back drops.
After the thumbnails we can begin to edit / add / modify existing scenes.
The next meeting will be at Vito's place again unless i'm mistaken.
I would like to extend my invitation to those who would like to see a comic being made which means Thomas, Jover, Chow... all you art people are welcome.
That is all i think.
Meanwhile, a message to the partners; we need to start maybe poking through our resource of contacts for a webdesigner... I will try but i admit my resource is stretched in this field.