Friday, April 15, 2005

meeting one

well, i actually went to the meeting one hour late. honestly, i wasn't sure if i wanted to be in the group to begin with. jase asked me to join the group as a writer and i was fine with that, but then i thought to myself - for who would i be writing for?

i had a backlog of story ideas, and even completed stories and i wasn't sure if i brought them to the group they would cease to be my own and have the authenticity of it diluted further down the track. so, initially, i didn't want to be apart of it.

but at the same time, my curiosity was boiling over. i wanted to jump on the wagon, but at the same time i was reluctant. that, and Law and Order SVU was on. but seriously, i knew that i would regret not going to the first meeting, and if i did miss it, i wouldn't have been able to catch up later one when i would (i knew it) inevitably join.

so i went to the first meeting, and i'm pretty sure jase and vito knew that i would give in and turn up. it was good that jase had prepared before the meeting with certain issues he wanted to voice to the group to get both an idea of why each of us wanted to be part of it, and how we would work together on a professional level.

also at the meeting we discussed possible storylines for out pilot comic - the comic that would say to the world "check this out you bastards, it's fucken awesome." it would also be a testament to what we were all about, and that is it is always substance over style, and that above all else, the final product would be as close as possible to the original idea. of course it would have to be marketable, but at the same time, it would have to be ours.

we threw a few ideas around; jase mentioned his Epic, and brendan talked about his post-martian revolution story. at this point, i wasn't sure if i should have pitched the idea of my "Nathaniel" story to them, since i thought it would be way to difficult to handle as the first ever project for our yet to be named comic firm.

so as the meeting drew to a close, we had discovered a few things:

a) jase was in it cos he had always wanted to do it;
b) brendan wanted to do something with his awesome writing skills and wanted a motorbike;
c) vito wanted to finally do something with his drawing, and this was a chance to do it and do it well - and get the recognition that his art deserved; and
d) that i was the batman of the group, coming in when they needed help but still being allowed to be on my own.

it was great that we could understand what each of us wanted, and better still, that we repspected each other. let's hope that the next meeting goes just as well.



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