Tuesday, April 12, 2005

First impressions...

I keep thinking back to the quote:

"and, when you want something, all the universe comspires in your favour" - Paulo Chelho

Incidentally, all the pieces moved together like a dream... eager to get my idea out i sought after the people who might be curious to hop on board.

Fast forward 6 months and i've got this team of dedicated and euthusiastic individuals whose talents are beyond anything i can imagine.

Vito is a natural choice; a drawing talent that is far superior to my own and a great visionary to transform words into living picture. It has been years since Vito and i worked together and our personal vendetta's divided us. I feel priviledged just having him sign on. Welcome aboard Superboy.

Brendan's ability to break paradime thinking is something that i feel honored to be a part of. His ideas are hard hitting and ground breaking. In high school i felt like i was walking in a big mans shadow in comparison to him. I made the mistake of letting him proofread my work and i remember him saying "yeh, not bad Jason" in the most polite manner of saying "whoa, what a piece of shit" and the "D-" i got really shows. I read it over again and compared it to the work of Brendan and realised he was holding a 24 carat nugget and i had poodle crap, not even deserving of a german shepherd shit.

The meeting is taking place this Thurday, i feel like im about to plunge into an ocean of the unknown. The back of my mind is exploding with all types of scenarios what can go wrong. I hate that Murphy guy.

My bestfriend, confidant and one of the world's greatest writers Monin dropped out last night and i felt like the group would feel extremly discouraged hearing this news and felt like everything i was planning is falling to pieces!
I stood tall and called up everyone cofirming their attendence and i was lucky to be relieved they still wanted to check it out. Fingers crossed, for my sake.



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