For meeting 10,
Can everyone bring ALL the content they've collected?
This includes ALL photographs, videos, notes and the like.
This is so production can start with all the info.
I'm hoping we can share all the stuff we have...
from now on, please try to check this space as i will try to make regular updates from here.
Meeting 9
While meeting 9 was mostly covering mechanicals behind the firm, i'm pleased to announce that after looking through the initial schedule, project pilot is definately on time.
We've accounted for the fact thatp roduction could take longer than planned but it shuold not effect the release date which is March 2006.
The script is 90% finished: i'd like to thank all of you for a great pre-production journey. The concept of all of us working together, developing, building all the characters from ground up was definately a cool experience; not to mention all the movies, beer, laughs and trips we've had.
Meeting 10 will probably on Sunday, Morning / Early Arvo so we can probably take a breather at the pub later or something Mark would like is have a jog or something.
Date: 31st, July 2005
Time: 12 noon - 4pm
Venue: Unconfirmed.
I'm posting this earlier and i hope i can expect people to start utilizing the blog, since the date is set early i welcome all who are and aren't working on project: pilot to attend.
Any conflict with prior arrangements please see me.
Btw, who ever is interested in going out after 12am for my brithday drink, please feel free.
-Jay, Director

Meeting 1: The beginning of Chalkboard Studios. From left: Monin, Brendan, Vito, Jason
the meeting is on SATURDAY, JULY 9.
i understand that mark has an imporant 21st on at around 7:30, so we'll try and get as much as we can done before then. for this to happen though, i think it'd be safe to start the meeting at about 4-5ish?
i've yet to decide on a place for the meeting, but my house seems ok if you don't mind the cold. i'll let you guys know by friday where the meeting will be held.
jase has requested that everyone suit up for this meeting, be all business-like. it'll be cool :P.
also, for the benefit of brendan, i'll do a post about the meeting we had the past sunday later this week.
Hi gang,
I propose the meeting being held at Cookie Bar, Sunday Arvo?
This is the easiest spot because Monin, Vito, Thomas can probably make it.
I won't reveal too much of it here, but i will email the meeting tomorrow.
Right now i need people to comment in the boxes about the times they will be available to best accomodate everyone.
The meeting will be pretty quick i expect this to not take more than an hour.
As we are indeed heading closer to the end of pre-production i do expect meeting to focus more and more on production.
This is a bit of a late notice, so i'm really sorry.